Personal Enrichment
“Today is life – the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today.
Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby.
Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.”
– Dale Carnegie
At Cherokee Creek, we give boys time to pursue personal enrichment activities to, as Dale Carnegie said, “let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through” them.
These activities may spring from an interest or longtime passion held by the student, or there may be something that he has been wanting to explore but hasn’t had the chance. Activities may challenge the mind, foster curiosity and creativity, build new skills … or be pursued just for the sheer joy of it! We know enrichment activities can spark the imagination and have the potential to become lifelong interests.
Many activities are brought by the students when they arrive at Cherokee Creek Boys School and are shared with fellow students. These include, but aren’t limited to:
Hobbies | Clubs
Robotics, Gardening, Disc Golf, Yoga, Arts & Crafts
Religious Studies
Church and Synagogue attendance and on-campus study
Special events in the community including festivals, fairs and plays
Lessons and practice for guitar, drums and piano
Playing Games
Chess, checkers, cards, pool, ping-pong, etc.
Boy-friendly and appropriate books approved by staff
Community Service
Volunteering at the animal shelter, senior citizen visits, Adopt-A-Highway, trail clean-up with the forest service, soup kitchen volunteering, and more
To Talk to Us and Find Out More
Contact Christy Swafford, Admissions Director
(770) 654-1241 | Click to Call or email Christy HERE.